“Petits Pois” is a fun, yet educational, programme introducing French to children under 5 in a happy atmosphere, through the use of puppets, songs, games, role-play, stories and crafts.
Why offer French classes at your nursery/pre-school?
* To enhance the range of learning experiences you provide by offering an enjoyable and educational language activity.
* To offer the opportunity to your children to benefit from a head start in languages – a service which will find approval amongst parents and education inspectors alike.
* Consultancy with a languages teacher, to confidently and creatively promote languages throughout your daily activities.
* To give excellent professional development opportunities for your staff through involvement in the sessions.
* Each term’s courses will be developed and adapted to suit your school/nursery and the needs of the children.
* Children will receive a termly certificate and parents will receive a termly vocabulary sheet, with follow up ideas and an update on the curriculum.